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Download Streetcar JNL Font Family From Jeff Levine

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 An ebay purchase of a vintage Speedball lettering pen set yielded an extra bonus… numerous alphabets on paper rendered in both pen and ink and via pencil sketches. One such design in rough pencil layout is a classic serif typeface often found on many passenger and freight trains, trolley cars and busses. This “Railroad Roman” was scanned from the original sketches and then re-drawn digitally, all along retaining the charm and attractiveness often found in hand lettering. The end result is Streetcar JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions. Download Streetcar JNL Font Family From Jeff Levine Download Streetcar JNL Font Family From Jeff Levine

Download STP Display Font Family From Sete Std

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Its inspiration comes from the types without serifs, with features ranging from architecture to modernist design products. With generous shapes and counterforms, the type becomes showy wherever it is, masterfully fulfilling the purpose for which it was designed. Initially designed for a signaling project in the Brazilian city of Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, the STP Display was expanded to include the largest number of characters in the Latin alphabet. This helps to find solutions in cases where a large number of languages to communicate something is needed, such as to inform a specific place for a tourist or also a direction to follow for an employee in a company. The STP Display is a modular feature, developed with rounded corners and a design based on geometric elements, ideal for use in large sizes. For...